lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

From PAC to university in only 20 minutes

PAC is abbreviation of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, this is a "comuna" located at south of Santiago Centro. Here I live since I was born with my family.

My house is near of Panamerican Highway. Here I don’t have friends, although when I was a little girl played with all my neighbor… Now, we have converted in old and nerds people.

Neighborhood is very quiet all time, in the night is like a ghost village. Only you can listen some truck in the road. Public transport isn’t good in the morning, buses are full…because I decided use a bicycle. When I come to the university in bus the distance is 40 minutes and in bicycle only 20, in addition it is healthy and relaxes me.

From my house to the university had 10 kilometres, by every minute I advance 500 meters and he delayed the half of the time that I me delay in bus, but te great problema is that motorist don’t respect cyclist and .the accidents happen every day. Besides ciclovías are scanty and badly done.

PS: Pedro Aguirre Cerda was a President of Republic since 1938 until 1941. He died because was sick of tuberculosis before he finished his presidential period. People call him “El Presidente de los pobres” and his phrase more popular is “Gobernar es Educar.”

Photo: Ochagavía Hospital, tipical symbol of PAC, near my house

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Video Talk 1

"The battle for hearts and minds"

In eves to World Cup 2014, the pacification in Rio's favela already began, but now the goberment of Dilma Rousseff have a new strategy that is not violence, for present. "The battle for hearts and minds" consider to clear drug gangs from 12 shanty towns in the Lins favela complex delivers security, street cleaners and satellite TV.  

Far from the weapon, these new tactics seek to influence the inhabitants of the favelas, it is a less violent measure but that will establish itself in the unconscious level of the persons. 

Claudio Costa, the police spokesman said he was satisfied with the way things had gone, "It's a success," he said. "It was quiet today. This operation today will improve the confidence in the UPP.". Although of that today dead persons did not register, one officer was killed and two injured in a gunfight during the "softening up" preparations the previous week. 

But the distrust of the settlers towards " Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais " continues because due to excessive violence that they have exercised. Last week, 10 UPP officers were charged with the torture and killing of Amarildo de Souza, a resident of Rocinha, Rio's biggest favela. In addition, in June BOPE killed nine residents, including seven suspected drug traffickers, after an officer was murdered at the Maré complex, forcing the authorities to delay the planned pacification of that vast community.