lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

English's subject, strictly necessary

Personally I like to have english's classes, but I believe that it is a requirement evil raised since in our careers they demand from us to have the english's subject approved nevertheless newly next year they will take charge of giving, really, the classes to all the pupils of regular form and without having to fight for a quota.

Despite of the administrative problem of this subject, I like the class and as the teacher teaches. I am very dispersed and it is difficult to me to concentrate me very much, because of it that speaks everything in English helps me since I have to put all my attention in understanding what she is saying.

I think that the blog is a good way of practising, but I prefer the Wednesdays classes because there really I face the more difficult thing that is "soltar la lengua". During the week I use very little the English, in spite of the fact that I try to put attention to the information that is in this language.

Next year I will postulate to the English's class of the bottom CORFO,  I know that it is extremely necessary to handle the most possible this language and with more frequent classes and more disposition of time, next year I will not have classes, will be able to devote to learn more.

The colleges should worry more of this, but we know that the problem of the education in Chile has a deep and tangled root.  I hope in the near future something learns not this one predisposed by the social and economic origin of the persons.

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Water is...

Balance of this year...

This year has been a time of learning about think that before I wasn't understanding. In general my life has been very happy, I things that is owed my family, they always have treated to be a group of people where they all love the others, we are like a friends :)

To beginning of year I was very sad for a situation especially, I do not want to look like a person emo, but I think that these situations help you to grow. It is more, I think that they are the moments where more the life is understood. I had forgotten to mention that this year there died 2 of my cats. Andes a car knocked down it and to the Rayita a dog bit it : (

One of the principal achievements of this 2013, and that is a collective achievement, is the conformation of the "Cooperativa de Trabajadores Mar de Gente Editorial", of which I am a part. Another achievement, also group, was to gain the presidency of the FECh for the next year. We believe that it is important to have a critical federation before a government of Michelle Bachelet that will want to empty of content the offers of the social and student movement.

The great debt of this year was to stop playing football, due to an injury and to the lack of time for the recovery with kinesiología.

Honorable mention: This year, an important news for the construction of a Latin America bolivariana was Hugo Chávez's death. This meant a victory for The United States. " What I could not the capitalism it could the cancer "

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

FECh election: List C "Es tiempo de Luchar"

This year is the third time that the " Coordinadora Luchar" appears to dispute the most important student federation to media level. "Luchar" was born in 2011, after the intense social mobilizations of this year for the structural change of the educational chilean system.

The list C: "Es tiempo de Luchar" (Is time to fight) has 5 candidates, where Melissa Sepúlveda, student of medicine, is the preferential candidate, or rather, she aspires to the presidency of federation. Benjamín Idini (Engineering), Juan Carlos Sharp (Law), Gonzalo Espinoza (Journalism) and Camila Ruz (Chemical sciences) are part of list too.

"Luchar" has 7 programmatical axes with his respective offers: 

1.- Democratization:  Consolidation and systematizing of the work of the "Secretaría de Democratización"   (SECDEM), including the publication of a critical analysis of the current university governance and the construction of offer of the university community for a new structure of University Government, and organization, from the SECDEM, and with the rest of the estates of a University Congress which end is the generation of a new statute of government.

2. Access, Mantención and Well-being: to continue the work of the "Secretaría de Acceso", which aims are, on one hand, critical analysis contributes so much of the revenue to the top education in Chile (Ranking, PSU, propedéuticos) as of the current mechanisms of our University (SIPEE) and, for opening other one, spaces for the generation of new mechanisms of access and to check the results and the implementation of the SIPEE, evaluating the fulfillment of his aims in terms of representation of the isolated sectors, application of mechanisms of support, rates of desertion and reproof of the students.

3. Extension: To promote the debate concerning the extension and diffusion of experiences in Chile and Latin America, by means of the extension commissions for Careers and Extension coordinator UChile, to include extension programs in the processes of Innovation Curricular or reforms in the pre-grado, by means of meetings with members of tables of Innovation Curricular. Annual, to promote the professional practices with social organizations, by means of the Head office of Practices of the FECH and to promote the initiatives of Volunteer works (TTVV) looking that, in a medium term, transform his character asistencialista, by means of the design and implementation it combines with social organizations.

4. Financing and Distribution: That the FECH supports the demands of gratuitousness, while state contribution 100 % of free disposition, to support and to re-stimulate the work realized from the Secretariat of Financing, as coordinating instance of the discussions and of the work of powers and institutes and to stimulate close to the Senate equal desks in which there is discussed the distribution of the resources of the University.

5. Gender ans sexualities: The insertion deepens of variable gender in the construction of the educational popular project in the student instances and of social organizations, visibilización of the conflicts of gender and sexualities that are generated in the company and inside the university, discussion and creation of a politics of reproductive health on the part of the SEMDA for the whole university community, to support and to re-stimulate the work realized from the Secretaría de Género y Sexualidades FECH, to coordinate and to realize joint work with the Secretariat of the Work FECH in the fight for the equality of gender and sexualities inside the social movement and to create from the university community a Program of Well-being in relation to sexual and reproductive health, I access to contraceptives and orientation, which is implemented from the SEMDA and the DBE.

6. Environment: A Coordinator agrees for the implementation of the Politics of Sustainable Campus of the Universidad de Chile, to organize forums, workshops or informative chats that generate environmental conscience, with an interdisciplinary approach, the environmental thing links with the daily life an axis of fight across campaigns, workshops and / or I support initiatives on garden, bicycle - culture, compostaje, clean energies, animal care, organic and inorganic recycling, reduction of the consumption, alternative medicine, etc, to strengthen the Secretaria de Medioambiente y Ecología of the FECH (SECMA) and the Delegate's post of Environment and Sustentabilidad of the FECH, to install a politics of Clean Campaigns for all the political sectors, as an exigency of the TRICEL FECH and places and to extend to all the Powers the work that To fight it has realized with the territories and communities, using extension instances as the Head office of Practices, with a participative methodology that has as protagonists to the popular sectors.

7. Postgrado: In the political thing, to consider the education of postdegree to be a social right as the school formation and of pregrado, pleading to the medium term his progressive des-arancelización and opening in the access,  in the immediate thing, we must stop CONICYT's privatizing attempts and demand the extension of the benefits, besides transparency and agility in his delivery, inside the Universidad de Chile, to bet first to being equal and then to extend the conditions of access to benefits and infrastructure between students of pre and postdegree, to include the students of postdegree in the processes of internal democracy of the University with voice and vote, as well as in the debates that will come associated to the Rector's choices of 2014, from our charges in the Federation to help to deepen the incorporation of the students of postdegree to the discussion and the participation, with a direct entail of the table FECH with the Delegates of Postdegree and also with the organic ones in the Powers and together with it, across our concejeros FECH and together with the Students' Centers, we will seek to help to the construction of students' organizations of postdegree where still they do not exist, and to strengthen the link and the work where already they are.

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

From PAC to university in only 20 minutes

PAC is abbreviation of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, this is a "comuna" located at south of Santiago Centro. Here I live since I was born with my family.

My house is near of Panamerican Highway. Here I don’t have friends, although when I was a little girl played with all my neighbor… Now, we have converted in old and nerds people.

Neighborhood is very quiet all time, in the night is like a ghost village. Only you can listen some truck in the road. Public transport isn’t good in the morning, buses are full…because I decided use a bicycle. When I come to the university in bus the distance is 40 minutes and in bicycle only 20, in addition it is healthy and relaxes me.

From my house to the university had 10 kilometres, by every minute I advance 500 meters and he delayed the half of the time that I me delay in bus, but te great problema is that motorist don’t respect cyclist and .the accidents happen every day. Besides ciclovías are scanty and badly done.

PS: Pedro Aguirre Cerda was a President of Republic since 1938 until 1941. He died because was sick of tuberculosis before he finished his presidential period. People call him “El Presidente de los pobres” and his phrase more popular is “Gobernar es Educar.”

Photo: Ochagavía Hospital, tipical symbol of PAC, near my house

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Video Talk 1

"The battle for hearts and minds"

In eves to World Cup 2014, the pacification in Rio's favela already began, but now the goberment of Dilma Rousseff have a new strategy that is not violence, for present. "The battle for hearts and minds" consider to clear drug gangs from 12 shanty towns in the Lins favela complex delivers security, street cleaners and satellite TV.  

Far from the weapon, these new tactics seek to influence the inhabitants of the favelas, it is a less violent measure but that will establish itself in the unconscious level of the persons. 

Claudio Costa, the police spokesman said he was satisfied with the way things had gone, "It's a success," he said. "It was quiet today. This operation today will improve the confidence in the UPP.". Although of that today dead persons did not register, one officer was killed and two injured in a gunfight during the "softening up" preparations the previous week. 

But the distrust of the settlers towards " Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais " continues because due to excessive violence that they have exercised. Last week, 10 UPP officers were charged with the torture and killing of Amarildo de Souza, a resident of Rocinha, Rio's biggest favela. In addition, in June BOPE killed nine residents, including seven suspected drug traffickers, after an officer was murdered at the Maré complex, forcing the authorities to delay the planned pacification of that vast community. 

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

"Foro por la Defensa de la Quebrada de la Plata" a site of scientific interest and principal green lung of West Santiago.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 1rd, 13.30 hours in classroom n°2 in ICEI will be realized "Foro por la Defensa de la Quebrada de la Plata", a site of scientific interest and principal green lung of West Santiago.

Can watch event in facebook

Quebrada de la Plata is in  Fundo Rinconada or Experimental Station Germán Greve Silva, of property of Universidad de Chile and administered by Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas. This place was donated by family's President in 1933.

Is a site destined, principally, to scientific studies, where, the State, across his different lines of financing to the investigation, it destines funds to make concrete the above mentioned studies. In turn, the sector is inserted in the Sitio Prioritario de Conservación El Roble N°2, assigned by Chile in the Cumbre de la Tierra (Rio ' 92) and ratified in 1994; in addition, it is considered to be one of the Areas of Ecological Preservation according to the Plan Regulador de Santiago (MINVU, 2010), aspects that emphasize his high ecological value. Together with the previous thing, the sector possesses a high historical value, since these places used as refuge the Ejército Realista in his defeat in Batalla de Maipú in 1818 and where it is said popularly, they hid his exchequers and objects of value that give origin to his name.

Presently, la Quebrada is being controlled of completely illegal form by different mining companies that extract, principally, oxide of copper, which derives in a serious ecological - social conflict in a sector that in addition supplies of water the inhabitants of the west sector of the Capital. It is necessary to indicate that the above mentioned companies to the date, do not possess any type of Declaration or Evaluation of Environmental Impact, Plan of Managing or any instrument demanded by the current legislation for the effects of his tasks, which was translated in diverse denunciations come from the citizenship and corroborated by public organisms of taxation as CONAF, which stated in situ part of the destruction of the flora of the Quebrada.

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

Human, cats and utilities

For a long time human beings and cats coexist, during 9500 years, Felis silvestris catus accompanies us. Recent studies indicate a direct origin of the domestic current cats with the wild cats of the Middle East, knocking down the idea of that the wild african cat, Felis silvestris lybica, is his more immediate ancestor.

Depend of contex cats have been loved or hated. In the Ancient Egypt were venerated because they were considered and estimated by his sweetness, his grace and his sloth, but the cat is especially a protective animal, if it weren't for they presence, Egyptians might not have protected their silos, vital resource for this civilization, from the rates.

In the Medieval Times they were burned in the bonfire, besides that they were used to medical porpuses. With their bodys persons were doing ointments and medicines, even with their excrements were used frequently the preparation of recipes to diminish the fall of the hair or to treat the fever or the epilepsy, even when in the periods of hunger or of site one was eating the meat of cats.

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013


Welcome to "all are cats", my blog whose name is inspired in this lovely animals, ciber-space where I will publish every assessment because I'm in a English Course...jajaja

Tipical presentation:
My name is Loreto Contreras, I live in Santiago of Chile since I was 2 years old. Actually I studying journalism, I'm dealing my 5° years. Lately I don't have a lot of time because I'm doing too much activities, but I like every thing that I do.

I decided study journalism because I like read and write, but since to study my capacity to do this is every time more limited ):

Before I played football, but now I have a lesion in leg, specifically in the right thigh. Now I have to go to kinesiologist.

I don’t have serious problems, I think that I’m happy.

brief story about cats

1 cat
2 cats
3 cats
they live playing all time