lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

FECh election: List C "Es tiempo de Luchar"

This year is the third time that the " Coordinadora Luchar" appears to dispute the most important student federation to media level. "Luchar" was born in 2011, after the intense social mobilizations of this year for the structural change of the educational chilean system.

The list C: "Es tiempo de Luchar" (Is time to fight) has 5 candidates, where Melissa Sepúlveda, student of medicine, is the preferential candidate, or rather, she aspires to the presidency of federation. Benjamín Idini (Engineering), Juan Carlos Sharp (Law), Gonzalo Espinoza (Journalism) and Camila Ruz (Chemical sciences) are part of list too.

"Luchar" has 7 programmatical axes with his respective offers: 

1.- Democratization:  Consolidation and systematizing of the work of the "Secretaría de Democratización"   (SECDEM), including the publication of a critical analysis of the current university governance and the construction of offer of the university community for a new structure of University Government, and organization, from the SECDEM, and with the rest of the estates of a University Congress which end is the generation of a new statute of government.

2. Access, Mantención and Well-being: to continue the work of the "Secretaría de Acceso", which aims are, on one hand, critical analysis contributes so much of the revenue to the top education in Chile (Ranking, PSU, propedéuticos) as of the current mechanisms of our University (SIPEE) and, for opening other one, spaces for the generation of new mechanisms of access and to check the results and the implementation of the SIPEE, evaluating the fulfillment of his aims in terms of representation of the isolated sectors, application of mechanisms of support, rates of desertion and reproof of the students.

3. Extension: To promote the debate concerning the extension and diffusion of experiences in Chile and Latin America, by means of the extension commissions for Careers and Extension coordinator UChile, to include extension programs in the processes of Innovation Curricular or reforms in the pre-grado, by means of meetings with members of tables of Innovation Curricular. Annual, to promote the professional practices with social organizations, by means of the Head office of Practices of the FECH and to promote the initiatives of Volunteer works (TTVV) looking that, in a medium term, transform his character asistencialista, by means of the design and implementation it combines with social organizations.

4. Financing and Distribution: That the FECH supports the demands of gratuitousness, while state contribution 100 % of free disposition, to support and to re-stimulate the work realized from the Secretariat of Financing, as coordinating instance of the discussions and of the work of powers and institutes and to stimulate close to the Senate equal desks in which there is discussed the distribution of the resources of the University.

5. Gender ans sexualities: The insertion deepens of variable gender in the construction of the educational popular project in the student instances and of social organizations, visibilización of the conflicts of gender and sexualities that are generated in the company and inside the university, discussion and creation of a politics of reproductive health on the part of the SEMDA for the whole university community, to support and to re-stimulate the work realized from the Secretaría de Género y Sexualidades FECH, to coordinate and to realize joint work with the Secretariat of the Work FECH in the fight for the equality of gender and sexualities inside the social movement and to create from the university community a Program of Well-being in relation to sexual and reproductive health, I access to contraceptives and orientation, which is implemented from the SEMDA and the DBE.

6. Environment: A Coordinator agrees for the implementation of the Politics of Sustainable Campus of the Universidad de Chile, to organize forums, workshops or informative chats that generate environmental conscience, with an interdisciplinary approach, the environmental thing links with the daily life an axis of fight across campaigns, workshops and / or I support initiatives on garden, bicycle - culture, compostaje, clean energies, animal care, organic and inorganic recycling, reduction of the consumption, alternative medicine, etc, to strengthen the Secretaria de Medioambiente y Ecología of the FECH (SECMA) and the Delegate's post of Environment and Sustentabilidad of the FECH, to install a politics of Clean Campaigns for all the political sectors, as an exigency of the TRICEL FECH and places and to extend to all the Powers the work that To fight it has realized with the territories and communities, using extension instances as the Head office of Practices, with a participative methodology that has as protagonists to the popular sectors.

7. Postgrado: In the political thing, to consider the education of postdegree to be a social right as the school formation and of pregrado, pleading to the medium term his progressive des-arancelización and opening in the access,  in the immediate thing, we must stop CONICYT's privatizing attempts and demand the extension of the benefits, besides transparency and agility in his delivery, inside the Universidad de Chile, to bet first to being equal and then to extend the conditions of access to benefits and infrastructure between students of pre and postdegree, to include the students of postdegree in the processes of internal democracy of the University with voice and vote, as well as in the debates that will come associated to the Rector's choices of 2014, from our charges in the Federation to help to deepen the incorporation of the students of postdegree to the discussion and the participation, with a direct entail of the table FECH with the Delegates of Postdegree and also with the organic ones in the Powers and together with it, across our concejeros FECH and together with the Students' Centers, we will seek to help to the construction of students' organizations of postdegree where still they do not exist, and to strengthen the link and the work where already they are.

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